Our fifth guest post in our 2014 series is by Bryan + Nikki from Hindsight Wedding Films.  They bring us some helpful information on the what to look for, the value,  and what you can expect in price range when budgeting for video.

The Price Of Video – What To Expect

We spend a significant amount of time on the phone with potential clients educating them about what kind of prices they can expect to see as they shop for a Videographer or Cinematographer. So when we were invited by Rick & Deb to be a guest blogger, we thought this topic would perhaps be the most helpful where wedding films are concerned.

Wedding Films… They’re Not What they Use To be

A word of caution first… when it comes to shopping around for someone to film your big day, don’t assume that you know what a typical video will look like before really shopping around and remember that a wedding film is not a commodity. A commodity is a product or service that is exactly like that offered by multiple other providers (like a gallon of milk or a vehicle inspection). You could have 3 different companies film your wedding and edit it, and you would have 3 very different films in the end. The lowest price you can find should not be your main goal when beginning your search.

Do you Feel As Though You Are There?

As you begin watching wedding highlight clips online, you want to get lost in what you are seeing. You should feel almost as if you are there. You certainly should not be thinking about the person who filmed it or their camera techniques or choices (at least not upon first looking at their work). You want to pay attention to their ability to tell the story of the couple that you are watching. If it seems like a montage of random clips strung together on a timeline – if you find yourself getting bored while you watch – don’t ignore that. If you see what looks like hand-held shots, or unsteady panning it is time to move on to the next company. This is your wedding, and you are investing a significant part of your precious wedding budget for someone to get this right. Your wedding film is something that will only increase in value over time. The biggest regret couples have after their wedding day is often that they didn’t hire someone to film it. The next regret we have heard far too often from friends who have gotten a video (not one of ours) is that they set their budget too low, and they are not happy with their video.

So How Much?

So, to answer the question of how much you should budget… it’s hard to say exactly. It really does depend upon what kind of a film and filmmaker is the right fit for you. Generally speaking prices range anywhere from less than $1,000 to over $7K. The reason for this large range of prices becomes apparent when you start watching what’s out there. As with anything else, you get what you pay for. At the lower end of the price spectrum, you will find all kinds of amateur work (usually little better than a friend or relative could provide for free). Some couples really haven’t shopped around, and say they just want a “keepsake” of their day. We submit that spending money on a cheap wedding video that you will only watch once (maybe twice) would be to waste the dollars you are throwing at it. On the other hand, investing in a film that you will want to watch over and over and show off to your family and friends is one you are unlikely to regret, and more likely to be so grateful you did. When else will all of these wedding guests be all together in one place like this again? Never. It will never happen again. Many videographers are similarly priced to photographers. And as you may know, there is a wide range of prices you find when shopping for a photographer as well. We have filmed weddings that don’t have a big budget, but the budget that was there was allocated in such a way as to afford us. There are lots of DIY options that allow for creativity in this way.


Bryan + Nikki are a husband & wife team – raising 4 (pretty awesome) kiddos, and filming weddings together. They love what we do and they make a difference in people’s lives by capturing the fun and emotion that will be enjoyed for generations to come.

Website: Hindsight Wedding Films

Hindsight Wedding Films on Facebook


 Planning a wedding is a huge task and we’re hoping to make it a little easier by having some of our favorite vendors share some information. (We also think they are some of the best in the business.) Be sure to check back every Monday for another installment which will include info about flowers, transportation, venues, entertainment, wedding planning, videography and more!
